Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Invitation to participate: 2014 Global Peace Games for Children and Youth

All organisations and communities are invited to be part of the Global Peace Games for Children and Youth which are held on or around the United Nations International Day of Peace, 21 September. This unique grassroots civil society event has been held annually since 2001. We hope you will participate in 2014!

The Games are an opportunity for young people all over the world to demonstrate their commitment to make the world a better and healthier place and to express their solidarity in the mission of global friendship, peaceful solutions and non-violence.

All sports can take part in this event, not only soccer/football. Registration is free and all activities that contribute to the themes of the Games are encouraged. The themes of the Games support the goals of the United Nations. They educate about and show support for peaceful solutions and aim to build global friendship and understanding. They support the improvement of human life, as outlined in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The Games recognise and demonstrate the value of sport to:
  • Unite, motivate, inspire and educate
  • Encourage peaceful solutions and cultural understanding
  • Teach essential values such as cooperation and respect
  • Promote life-long health and social skills
  • Improve health and well-being
  • Strengthen links between children and adults
  • Contribute to the development of communities

A special message from the United Nations Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace will be sent to all registered participants. All children and youth can sign the UNESCO Manifesto for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence and engage in the Nobel Handshake for Peace. A Certificate of Participation is prepared for all organisations along with the compiled Global Report on the Games.

Who can take part in the Games?
Participation in the Games is free and open to all who wish to take part. Communities, civil society organisations and governments are invited to organise and enjoy the Games and events in their own countries and locations, limited only by their own local constraints of financing, organising and planning capacity. Different organisations can hold multiple Games in the same country at different sites. Participating communities and organisations select their own sites.

How to register
Register now by sending your registration information (see the attached document) to PLAY SOCCER Nonprofit International. If you have any questions or need to obtain information in French or Spanish, please contact Play Soccer Nonprofit International at psni@playsoccer-nonprofit.org. Instructions and more information about the Games are also attached and the report on last year’s 2013 Global Peace Games for Children and Youth and the Certificate of Participation are available for reference on www.playsoccer-nonprofit.org.

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