Thursday, July 31, 2014

Call for papers: Sport in penal and internment camps

he Nordic Sport Science Forum has called for abstracts for the conference on Violence, discipline and leisure: Sport in penal and internment camps. Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2014.

The conference will be held from 23-25 September 2014 in Cologne, Germany. It will address sport as both a tool of repression and strategy of survival in a broad and comparative historical perspective.

With our conference we approach the historic reality of sport in camps beyond alienation and metaphors. We will thus scrutinise sport as both a tool of repression and strategy of survival in a broad and comparative perspective. In order to tackle the dynamic of sport in penal and internement camps we will take into account different camp systems, periods of time and geographical regions.

Prospective contributions may address, but are not limited to, one of the following questions:
  • How did sport occur in penal and internment camps? What was the reason of introducing sport in camps and who contributed to this development?
  • What was the role of sport in the camps’ everyday life?
  • Who was taking exercise and participated in sport (prisoners, guards, or camp superiors)?
  • Which role did sport play in the system of repression?
  • Which role did sport play for the camp inmates themselves?
  • Which identities were constructed with the help of sport and how did sport serve as a matter of self-expression?
  • Which concepts of body and gender were expressed by sport in camps?
  • Which kind of sports was exercised in the camps and why were especially these sports popular?
  • What can be said about the performative aspects of sport in camps? Who attended sport events and watched others in their action? Was there any media coverage of such events and what was its function within the camp?
  • Did sport establish a zone of contacts between the different levels of hierarchy within a camp? Did sport connect the camp with the outer world?
  • How does memory of camp life effect the way we think about sport in camps today? How do these interpretations influence scholarly research on the topic?

We invite proposals for 25-minute papers. Please include into your proposal the paper title, short bio and a brief abstract of no more than 300 words. Please, send your proposal or any queries to by 31 July 2014. The conference language is English.

Monday, July 21, 2014

OSEP: Advanced Sport Management Course

The Advanced Sport Management Course is an initiative by the International Olympic Committee through Olympic Solidarity and the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC).

About the Advanced Sport Management Course
The course is delivered for the Oceania sport administrators who are members of the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC). ONOC, through its Oceania Sport Education Program (OSEP), has designed its own curriculum using the competency based framework but has maintained the Managing Olympic Sport Organisation (MOSO) book as the key reference tool and adapted other teaching materials to comply with OSEP learning standards.

It is a demanding one week training programme that requires dedicated individuals who have had a wide experience in sport management and are looking to gain a formal qualification or update their skills. It requires high level time management skills during the face to face sessions in 2014 and 2015!

Target Group
The course is designed for executive level volunteers (i.e. board members of national sport federations and national olympic committees) and senior paid staff in sport organisations in the Pacific region to expand their managerial skills while actively contributing to a learning community. Through their engagement in this competency based framework, participants will learn the skills to effectively manage their sport organisation and ultimately improve sport as a whole in their sport and country.

It is important that participants applying are at middle or senior management positions to actively and effectively contribute to discussions and competently complete the assessment tasks during each unit. More importantly, to be in a position to implement the skills gained from this training. Support by the sport organisation is essential so that the participant has regular access to a sport organisation to apply the course learnings and bring about appropriate changes.

After assessment of competency is completed, participants will obtain an International Olympic Committee/Olympic Solidarity Diploma in Management of Olympic Sport Organisation recognised by Oceania National Olympic Committees and its 17 member countries.

This certification provides you with relevant qualifications to become a national sport organisation (e.g. NOC, NF, Sport Council, Department of Sport) administrator, manager or events/competitions coordinator.

What does it cost?
OSEP will cover in country accommodation, workshop meals and airport transfers to hotel.

Find out more
You can contact the programme director, Ms Sainimili Talatoka on or +679 3302 140 or skype - OceaniaSportEducation for further information.

Call of interest: IWG chairperson 2014 - 2018

The International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) is calling for applications for the position of IWG chairperson for the quadrennial term 2014 – 2018.

The International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) is an inclusive global network of individuals and organisations that work together guided by the IWG’s mission: empowering women – advancing sport.

According to the IWG structure and member protocols, the IWG has two chairpersons that serve as the leaders of the IWG and its secretariat. The chairpersons are expected to represent the IWG, for example at meetings and events, or in print materials. They are responsible for implementing the decisions of the IWG and overseeing the work of the IWG secretariat. They are entrusted with overseeing the fulfillment of the strategic plan, ensuring that the work of IWG is in agreement with the body’s mission, aims and values, and ensuring that actions taken on IWG’s behalf positively impact its international reputation and overall image. The chairpersons are also entrusted with ad hoc decision‐making in cases where there is no known precedent or procedure or in connection to urgent matters. The two chairpersons propose a clearly defined division of labour and responsibilities, which will be approved by the IWG members.

The following skills, competencies and knowledge are expected from the successful candidate:
  • Commitment to the advancement of girls’ and women's sport and physical activity
  • Ability to add value to the design and implementation of strategies for change at the international level
  • Knowledge and understanding of the international sports movement
  • Commitment to influencing senior decision makers within political, governmental, non‐governmental and sport domains
  • Ability to network, develop and nurture relationships with individuals and organisations
  • Availability and capability of representing IWG at meetings and conferences
  • Operating at a strategic and leadership level
  • Ability to work proficiently in English language – other languages are an advantage

The selected person will be working in close connection with Ms. Ruth Maphorisa, who was elected as the other IWG chairperson in spring 2014 as part of the successful bid of the Botswana National Sports Council (BNSC) to host the IWG during the quadrennial term 2014 – 2018. Botswana will also host the IWG Secretariat in 2014 – 2018 and organise the 7th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport in Gaborone in 2018. Ms. Maphorisa will be the chairperson responsible for the conference and the secretariat, and other possible tasks depending on the division of responsibilities.

Unfortunately, the IWG does not have a budget to cover the costs related to fulfilling the responsibilities of the co-chairperson. It is expected that the candidates will be able to finance their participation in the IWG Annual Meetings and other events or meetings where they will be representing the IWG.

In order to apply for the position, the following documents need to be sent by email to by August 31, 2014:
  • Cover letter stating the motivation and the main advantages of the candidate (max. 1 x A4)
  • Brief clarification concerning the financial resources reserved for fulfilling the responsibilities of the IWG chairperson (max. 1 x A4)
  • CV of the candidate (max. 2 x A4)

The successful candidate will be selected and published by 30 September 2014. The term of office begins on 1 January 2015 and ends four months after the 7th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport.

Friday, July 4, 2014

German-African Sports Camp for young coaches

Opportunity for sports coaches from Germany, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda to attend a fully funded coaching camp in Berlin. Deadline to apply: 6 July 2014.

German-African Sports Camp
From 12-21 September 2014, young coaches from Germany and our African partner countries are getting together for a sports camp in Berlin, Germany.

In a series of different workshops, participants will get the opportunity to learn new training methods, new sports and about (sports) culture in foreign countries.

How can you take part?
Fill out the application form. In the best case, you present yourself through a short movie or a picture gallery – in the most creative way that you can.

Who can apply?
Any young sport coach from Germany, Ethopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda between 18 and 25 years. A coaching certificate is not necessary.

How do you submit your application form (and movie/picture gallery)?
Send your completed application form by 6 July 2014. The application form can be accessed from the Comenga website.

To provide better insight to your work as a coach (your team or training group) and your sport, you can additionally produce a video clip (max. 5min, 10 MB ) or a picture gallery/collage (max. 20 pictures 10 MB) and send it via email to

Still have questions about the application?
Then simply send an email to Vincent Roedel: